Monday, April 18, 2016

Welcome to the Journey

Hi and welcome to my new blog.

This is the first post of my new writing journey. For the last three years I've had the most amazing time writing "Come! Live in the Light," a blog for Notre Dame's Office of Campus Ministry. It's been a great chance to tell my own story: Girl goes to college, encounters hardships and disappointments in many forms, travels the world, learns to see God in everything and trust God's plan, makes amazing friends, and decides to deviate from her own plan and go spend the next year in Ireland. I have to admit, it makes a great narrative. But what comes next?

Think of this blog as the sequel. I'm not what my new adventures will bring- but I'm excited to share them with you. I'm hoping to use this blog to continue to post weekly about aspects of my faith life or spirituality, but I'd also like to use this space to discuss books, music, travel, or other things on my mind. I'm really eager to see how I can continue to share my story on this blog.

Thanks for joining me in my wanderings.