However, one thing I didn't anticipate is that it was going to delete everything that had connected to my account at all. So this meant it deleted my bookmarks, my access to the Hamilton bootleg (still crying over that), my passwords that I'd saved on Chrome (I can't pay my student loans if I don't have the password anymore right... that's how it works?) But the most devastating deletion was "Come Live in the Light"- my three year labor of love, my detailed documentation of my Notre Dame journey, my own little legacy. While I retired the blog after graduation (because it was sponsored by ND's Office of Campus Ministry), I had hoped it would exist as something to link back to, maintain as portfolio of my writing and thoughts, and to be the "pre-quel" to this current blog now.
And just like that- it's poof and gone! Luckily, I have every article saved on my computer- so it's not all lost (just you know the comments, pictures included, and reader count data). I'm hoping to set up some sort of archive for it in the next few weeks (hopefully before I leave for Ireland). This will definitely take a bit of time because it means going back through my e-mail archives to find the edited versions of each blog and then re-editing them. I'm unsure if I'll be able to get the right pictures attached, but hopefully the articles at least will make their way up to the interwebs.
I'll have more information on that when it happens. But I just thought I'd let people know in case they were looking for it. As for this blog, I'm working a few new plans for it including: travel guides (right now my Paris travel guide is a 6-page word document on my computer), more personal posts (preferably ones that aren't about terrible things happening in the world), Thoughts on Books for two more reads, and a July Month-in-Review. In addition, you can now follow this blog on "Bloglovin" and I'm working on finding ways to make this blog more followable.
I'll have more information on that when it happens. But I just thought I'd let people know in case they were looking for it. As for this blog, I'm working a few new plans for it including: travel guides (right now my Paris travel guide is a 6-page word document on my computer), more personal posts (preferably ones that aren't about terrible things happening in the world), Thoughts on Books for two more reads, and a July Month-in-Review. In addition, you can now follow this blog on "Bloglovin" and I'm working on finding ways to make this blog more followable.